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On the day of the tour,

We will require your signature for the paper below.

​Please confirm and recognize the conditions on the paper.

Medical information 


In order to ensure safety on our tours, One Drop kayak service requires participants to the following medical form. This information will help the guides properly prepare for the tour. Although One Drop kayak service’s guides have training in Advanced Wilderness First-Aid, One Drop kayak service assumes no responsibility for medical care. Information on this form is completely confidential.


Have you ever had, or are you prone to any of the following such as :

Heart condition, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Asthma, Joint dislocation, Seizure disorders, Epilepsy, Any chronic physical limitations, Meniere’s disease, Anaphylaxis from insect bite and/or food allergy, etc.

Have you ever been under a doctor’s care within last 12 months.


Memo :

NOTICE!! forinsurance.
Unfortunately, Activity insurance for inbound tourist in Japan is NOT a very good condition. Therefore, our insurance for accident is limited to a certain amount of money. We are afraid to require that you are also sure to arrange a reliable travel insurance on your responsibility, include a fatal accident.


I acknowledge that I have completed this medical form accurately, and truthfully, I understand that any injury, illness and/or a fatal accident that is aggravated by, or is a result of my participation in One Drop tour, is solely my responsibility.


And The tour is held in wilderness condition and we possibly compromise the care provided in the event of an emergency, e.g. ambulance, rescue and medical care.


代表者  中嶌 尚平

電話番号 070-9038-1081    

住所   鹿児島県熊毛郡屋久島町楠川108


                                                            Onedrop kayak service since 2015                                                    

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